The path of opening up intuitive gifts is also one of progressive initiation into the awareness of our higher and more subtle bodies, right through to the celestial.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The mind as a mirror . . . . .

The “Mind World” is referred to as Aina Khana by some Sufi Poets meaning Palace of Mirrors.

This can be noted more clearly in animals as everything they see takes the form of mirrored reflection. Sight for them is not vision, imagination or thought. It is simply reflection.
This tells us that the language of the animal kingdom is a more natural intuitive form of expression when compared to the language of man. When you look at animal training this becomes obvious. Elephants working with their masters reflect the thoughts of the person who trains them. This is how they know what to do.

When Daniel entered the lions den, it was the calm loving mirrored reflection of his heart that tamed the lions. Animals are very intuitive and reflect their environment. In the presence of love and peace animals cease to be aggressive. Indian Holy men sit for years in caves in the Himalayas with cobras wrapped lovingly around their limbs! This is reflection!

Remember being told not to show fear when facing an aggressive dog. The reflection of fear being mirrored by you makes the dog even more aggressive. The dog does not like to intuitively sense fear. And he senses it in the mirror being reflected by you. The emotion of fear makes the dog even more protective resulting in further aggression or even attack.

Animals know when their owners are dying as the condition is mirrored by their owner and reflected upon them! They experience intuitively the thoughts emotions and feelings of their owner as well as everyone else around them. They are sensing intuitively the reflections being mirrored by these people. To animals this natural means of communication is mirrored and reflected from one to the other. A universal language understood by the animal kingdom.

For humans, the understanding of this subtle language requires a greater awareness of intuitive impulses and promptings.

The mind is like a lake. If there are any disturbances on the surface then what is being mirrored and reflected is distorted. That is why it is so important for man to still the mind. Once his mind is still, man is capable of receiving the reflection being mirrored by other minds.

The mind capable of focus and concentration is a very powerful mirror. Holding the clear picture of a thought in ones mind creates a clear reflection which is mirrored outwards. Other minds will quickly receive the mirrored reflection and sense what the person is thinking. Sometimes they may even start thinking along the same lines.

Does the heart reflect the mind or does the mind reflect the heart? Again, like a mirror, the mind is the surface and the heart is its depth. They are therefore one and the same. If the reflection in the mind comes from the depths of the heart it has more power. Intuitively people sense this. That which is reflected from the depths of the heart reaches greater depth. Where as, that which is reflected from the surface, remains on the surface.

In humans our thoughts turn into pictures and these pictures are mirrored by the thinker. This is what is reflected. Reflection is not like a conversation. In a conversation words are used to convey ideas. This is open to interpretation. In reflection, the idea is reflected in an instant because the idea is present in the form of a picture and this picture is mirrored by the mind receiving it.

Think again before trying to fool anyone! Your thoughts are being reflected outwards from your mind like a mirror.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

When the going gets tough . . .

. . . . . the tough start counting their blessings! They also realize, intuitively, that forgiveness removes the invisible wall that separates them from others.

They don't gripe about their lot, no matter how unpleasant. They focus on the positive. They eke out as much good from their situation and dwell upon it!

A shift in how we think releases the power of the mind bringing about a correction in our perception. As our perception changes so does our world, literally! All creation is expressed by the mind. Our greatest asset for changing the world is our mind!

As we change our mind about the world around us we bring about a change in the world around us!

In the presence of forgiveness we change the laws that govern how we think. We transcend ourselves - go beyond our limits. Miracles occur!

As we let go of the fear and embrace love and forgiveness all blockages in our energy body, holding back our personal power, are released. Positive energy floods our lives changing our world and all those who come into it.

Since minds are connected, the correction of any one persons perception, adds to the collective growth of our species.

This puts the challenges we all face into a new perspective! We draw them to ourselves in order to help change the world through our acceptance, love and forgiveness!

Look at what Nelson Mandela achieved.

You have created yourself (your body, not your Soul) in order to help transform the world.

The end of the world is not its destruction but its transformation! The Oxford dictionary defines the word "transformation" as a complete change.

And we are the "transformers", defined in the Oxford dictionary as: a device used to reduce or increase a power supply. We are transformers. We are powerful beyond measure!

Previously scientists toyed with the idea that our physical body somehow learned how to think. They are now coming to the conclusion with the help of quantum physics, that we are our thoughts and that we have created our physical body!

You are what you think!

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the power that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others".

The paragraph above was taken from Marianne Williamson's book A return to love. Reflections on the principles of A Course in Miracles.

The extract was also included in Nelson Mandela's inaugural speech as the first black President of South Africa, after his release from prison in 1994.

Monday, March 22, 2010

We are One!

Forgiveness is an energy dynamic that takes place in the mind and is the ultimate preventative medicine! The mind is the greatest healer!

Negative energy in the form of anger, self doubt, self hatred, etc. as well as negative emotions brought into our lives by the challenges we face are an opportununity to transform our world and ultimately "the world" through forgiveness.

Energy cannot be destroyed it can however be miraculously transformed by the mind!

That is why we were born! That is why we are here! We are energy transformers!

Now, is that not a highly responsible job? It is the job we all share and are equally responsible for in order to help our species evolve.

Changing negative energy into a positive form is automatically and immediately shared.

Transforming negative energy into positive energy will assist the evolution of our species into the higher realms of existence!

All minds are joined at a deep level. This explains why we are able to sense the discomfort or danger others are facing, even though they may be thousands of miles away. This sense of awareness is usually more evident when involving those we know personally.

Scientists are beginning to discover the oneness that lies beyond our perceived reality.

It is the arrogance of the ego that would have us believe that we are separate and alone and what we cannot perceive does not exist. We must not allow ourselves to be fooled!

Listen to the small voice from within - it is the Intuitive Self guiding you! The intuitive self will not try to deceive you, it has your own as well as everyone elses interests at heart.

The greatest service we can do for anyone in pain is to hold them in our mind!

We are not alone,

Minds are joined,
We are One!