The path of opening up intuitive gifts is also one of progressive initiation into the awareness of our higher and more subtle bodies, right through to the celestial.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The higher frequencies . . . . . .

"The Etheric template level. The Fifth layer of the human energy field. It is the level at which sound creates matter. These forms exist in negative space. To a medical intuitive these forms appear as clear or transparent lines on a cobalt blue background". B.A. Brennan, A guide to healing through the human energy field.

I was reading about light and colour recently and came across something that made me realize intuitively how ascension actually works at a scientific level. Here is my theory:

Light is produced by the excitation and de-excitation of electrons within the atom. This is how electrons lose or gain energy - by leaping from one energy level to another. This leap is called a “quantum jump”. An electron can only jump to a higher level by absorbing a certain amount of energy. When the electron falls back again towards the nucleus the energy gained in the jump is released as a photon of light. This is how light is produced.
An electron falling back through two levels releases more energy than an electron falling back through only one level. This is how light is emitted at a higher frequency, the colours of indigo and violet.

It follows then that since our physical body channels energy (in the form of light) through our light bodies (the chakra system) then the more energy we are able to absorb and release through conscious intention, the sooner we would reach the “quantum jump” atoms achieve, which would move us further "into the light", vibrating at a higher frequency. This demonstrates the holographic principal. That which is achieved at one level is achievable at all levels.
The yogis (the spiritually aware) men and women of India have been telling us for a long time that in order to ascend into higher levels of awareness we need to learn how to consciously channel energy. This is done through meditation, breath control, visualization etc. All these practices have the ability to expand our awareness into higher frequencies and ultimately different dimensions.
Is it not strange however that when someone explains to us what is required in order to access the higher frequencies, if we have had no personal experience of it, we think they are crazy. But when we read about how scientists have studied the behaviour of an electron and know they need to raise their energy levels in order to produce light, we are happy to believe them.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Spiritual sight . . . . . .

When you believe that what you cannot see with your physical eyes does not exist, you deny yourself Spiritual sight.
Therefore, use your body to help you develop your perception to the point of achieving real vision - of which the physical eye is incapable.
Mind is the medium connecting Heaven and earth. When man is conscious of his body he experiences earth. When man is conscious of his Soul, he experiences Heaven. When man is conscious of the workings of the mind he is experiencing that which connects Heaven and Earth.
"We are led to believe a lie when we see with not through the eye,
which was born in a night, to perish in a night, while the Soul slept in beams of light". William Blake - Auguries of innocence.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

In the Sufi teachings we read . . . . .

"The message is a call to those whose hour has come to awaken, and it is a lullaby to those who are still meant to sleep.

The Cosmic Mind speaks to the messenger in His divine tongue, and the messenger interprets it in the language of man."

The existence of the Soul . . .


"I first believed without any hesitation
in the existence of the soul, and then
I wondered about the secret of its nature.
I persevered and strove in search of the soul,
and found at last that I myself
was the cover over my soul.
I realized that in me which believed
and that in me which wondered,
that which persevered in me,
and that which found,
and that which was found at last,
was no other than my soul.
I thanked the darkness
that brought me to the light,
and I valued the veil which prepared for me
the vision in which I saw myself reflected,
the vision produced in the mirror of my soul.
Since then I have seen all souls as my soul,
and realized my soul as the soul of all;
and what bewilderment it was when I realized
that I alone was,
if there were anyone;
that I am whatever and whoever exists, and
that I shall be whoever there will be in the future.
and there was no end to my happiness and joy."
From, The Bowl of Saki by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Death - the return to expanded awareness!

A week ago a friend on mine died in a plane crash in the Congo. Death is so final in the third dimension. The connection to our loved one is severed and we are not equipped to tune into the higher frequencies.
According to Heyoan, the spirit guide of Barbara Ann Brennan “Death is not what we have understood, but a transition from one state of consciousness to another. We have already died in forgetting who we really are.” So in the physical world, although we fear death, we have in fact already died. Forgetting who you really are, that is what death is. The process of death as we know it would be better described as “a transition to greater awareness”. Once your memory is restored you are connected to your Higher Self and cosmic consciousness is experienced. Death is no more than a release of the constricting blanket of consciousness experienced in the physical world. Without the limiting affects of a physical body our consciousness is elevated to a higher frequency and our experience is one of expanded awareness.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hands of light!

If you were able to experience the high frequency energies around your body this is what your hands would look like. Imagine what you could do with that light/energy? Its Source has created the Cosmos and the supply is never ending!

Symbols - the language of the sub conscious

The language of the conscious mind is a series of images, this differs from the language of the subconscious mind which communicates with the conscious mind by using symbols.

Let me give you an example. I was waiting anxiously to hear whether or not a close family member and her husband would be granted a bond for the house they had made an offer on. After a good nights sleep and on waking I saw the symbol ✓clearly in my mind. At first I did not understand the meaning of the symbol. However, with a little concentration and by examining the content of my mind on waking, I realized I had woken in the middle of a dream about applying for a bond and all that the process entails. The symbol ✓ was the way my subconscious mind was telling me not to worry as the bond would be granted. And sure enough it was a few days later. The conscious mind is subject to the laws of the dimension it is aware of. Since we live in a three dimensional world we experience our thoughts as three dimensional which are subject to time and space. The subconscious mind is not limited by three dimensions and therefore is able to experience the bigger picture.

Start by becoming aware of the images present in your mind on a daily basis. How does your mind process the physical world you are experiencing? Did you even know that you think by visualizing images in your mind. The spoken or written language is a means of expressing or describing the images you are experiencing in your minds eye. We live in a physical world and we are led to believe that we experience our lives through our physical bodies. That is not so. We experience life most vividly through the mental images in our mind as well as the physical sensations we experience in the body.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Living on a Planet of energy

"I maintain that cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest incitement to scientific research". . . Albert Einstein

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Cosmic Mind

Slip into the gap, have the desire, release your attachment to the outcome and let the Universe take care of the details. . . . . . Deepak Chopra

Since all minds are joined at the deepest level and since each mind reflects as a mirror what it is focussed on then it follows that if you do not know what you want, how can the Cosmic Mind help you? When your mind reflects exactly what you want the Cosmic Mind gets the picture and begins to set things in motion to help you move toward what you are focused on!
It is that simple! You don't believe me?
Look around you at those people who are successful in one field or another and you will see that they are totally foccussed on what they do! You will also see that most times they really love what they do. This means their focus is coming from the heart which is a much more powerful reflection than that which is centered in the mind alone.