The path of opening up intuitive gifts is also one of progressive initiation into the awareness of our higher and more subtle bodies, right through to the celestial.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Spiritual sight . . . . . .

When you believe that what you cannot see with your physical eyes does not exist, you deny yourself Spiritual sight.
Therefore, use your body to help you develop your perception to the point of achieving real vision - of which the physical eye is incapable.
Mind is the medium connecting Heaven and earth. When man is conscious of his body he experiences earth. When man is conscious of his Soul, he experiences Heaven. When man is conscious of the workings of the mind he is experiencing that which connects Heaven and Earth.
"We are led to believe a lie when we see with not through the eye,
which was born in a night, to perish in a night, while the Soul slept in beams of light". William Blake - Auguries of innocence.

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