The path of opening up intuitive gifts is also one of progressive initiation into the awareness of our higher and more subtle bodies, right through to the celestial.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Feeling and thought . . .

Feeling is an expression of Intuition, the repository of all knowledge. Feeling and thought must be balanced to have power. We are all human transmitters. We receive thought messages from others through the heart, the center of feeling. When you are near and dear to someone we are able to feel their thoughts. Fear is a form of static, it affects your mind-radio and comes from the heart. Anxieties are awakened in the heart through the consciousness of pain and are dependent upon prior experience. As you grow Spiritually, conscious awareness changes. Through deep meditation, more and more, the magnificence of the mind of the creator is revealed to you. Behind every material object is an astral blueprint of coloured light. Everything is motion! Everything is thought! The whole world exists only in thought, such is the power of mind. Extracted from "Man's eternal quest". Paramahansa Yogananda.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Intuitive Designs . . . creating awareness.

Mother Earth is being raped by humankind, her oceans are being polluted, her atmosphere destroyed. Her forests cut down. Animals are being exploited. Laws of nature are being disrespected. Weapons of mass destruction are being created in order to destroy and control. Our species is a human parasite living on and off another living creature. When a parasite is set to destroy its host, the host must do everything in its power to rid itself of the scourge. Mother Earth has been here longer than we have, she will be here after we are gone. Let us not underestimate her power. Let us love and respect the beauty of our host, be grateful for everything she provides, enjoy the plentiful abundance of what she has to offer. Share it with all creatures both great and small.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I am back from a long sabbatical . . . .

Sunday, October 28, 2012


You seek peace on earth . . . the way to realize this ideal is to live in tranquility yourself. To attain this tranquility of Spirit, surrender all anxiety and fear, all irritation. Then, the balm of tranquility flows into the Soul and you are at peace. Surrender of the lower self to the Divine . . . is not easy . . . it is one of the most difficult lessons we all have to learn. See good always, know that good is coming out of the difficulties in which you find yourself. White Eagle

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Imagination is the power of the Creator working through you. We all have much to bring forth from our innermost self. The Creator is not static, all the time we are creating our future. As you open yourself, as you create from your Soul, so you grow in wisdom, intelligence, intuition and perception.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Invisible world

When you feel an atmosphere, or feel love or kindness, you are experiencing the invisible world all around you. This is intuitive knowledge. Make sure that this inner knowledge is coming from the heart of wisdom and not from the self that wants something, the desire self (ego). Intuition can be further developed in meditation, through quiet comtemplation within the sanctuary of the heart . . . . . . . . . White Eagle

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Initiation is the awakening of Spirit in people; and not only the awakening but a continuation of the unfoldment and developement of the Divine power within an individual. It means an expansion of consciousness . . . . . to reveal the heavenly mysteries. Only the Divine within your own heart will enable you to recognize Divinity in the world outside of you, or in another being. Train yourself then, to seek to be a power station to receive and transmit the light of the Divine within you . . . . White Eagle