The path of opening up intuitive gifts is also one of progressive initiation into the awareness of our higher and more subtle bodies, right through to the celestial.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Feeling and thought . . .

Feeling is an expression of Intuition, the repository of all knowledge. Feeling and thought must be balanced to have power. We are all human transmitters. We receive thought messages from others through the heart, the center of feeling. When you are near and dear to someone we are able to feel their thoughts. Fear is a form of static, it affects your mind-radio and comes from the heart. Anxieties are awakened in the heart through the consciousness of pain and are dependent upon prior experience. As you grow Spiritually, conscious awareness changes. Through deep meditation, more and more, the magnificence of the mind of the creator is revealed to you. Behind every material object is an astral blueprint of coloured light. Everything is motion! Everything is thought! The whole world exists only in thought, such is the power of mind. Extracted from "Man's eternal quest". Paramahansa Yogananda.

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